Software Development Studio

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Projects developed in 2011/2012

BIS 2.0

Bibliometric Information System 2 (BIS-2)
Context: The evaluation of performance of research units takes into account information about scientific publications and their citations. The information frequently have impact on the amount of research funding.
Problem: Information about scientific publications and their citations is stored in multiple databases and in different formats.
Solution: System collects data from the existing bibliometric systems. Then it merges the data (to make it more complete as various databases may store only partial information ) and solves some problems, e.g., it makes different spellings of a name concise .
The main goal of the version 2 of the system is to extend the functionality by serving more databases and improving its algorithms for data processing.

eProto 3.0

electronic Protocols (eProto)
Context: Universities need to document - protocol - the performance of a student during the studying time by listing the course units or modules taken, the credits gained, and the grades awarded. The transcript of records provides a standard format for recording all study activities carried out by students. It is an essential tool for academic recognition.
Problem: Using students transcript record books (in-prints) makes a lot of inconveniences for tutors, students and dean’s office workers. At the end of semester, all of tutors have to entry grades for all of students assigned to their classes by hand in two copies. When student has completed record book, he is returning it to dean’s office. Then dean’s office worker has to write all of student’s grades to computer system. All of problems mentioned above has common factor: it takes time.
Solution: eProto is an existing system at Poznan University of Technology that enables collecting final grades of students and automatically generate examination protocols afterwards. In the future, when the system will be fully operable, it will lead to elimination of students’ record books.


Financial Decisiion Log (FiDeLo)
Problem: Poznan University of Technology has a system of traditional accounting. All expenses (conference tours, purchases etc.) are accounted for money on basis of accounting documents (invoices, tickets etc.). The disadvantage of this approach is significant delay in providing information about finances of the faculty and lack of continuous information about current faculty’s budget. Lack of information about current budget makes finance management of the faculty extremely difficult. Moreover, due to this problem it is easy to exceed or not utilize budget.
Solution: FiDeLo registers financial decisions and provide employees of Dean’s Office up-to- date information about current budget, planned and made expenses. Therefore, the system would help to manage faculty’s finances more effectively.


Internship Monitoring System (IMS)
Context: Each year at the Faculty of Computing and Information Science about 300 students take part in internship programs. The existing regulations require that the University – through the designated internship supervisors – is obliged to monitor the progress of the internships.
Problem: Geographic distribution of places where the internships take place and limited financial resources make the internship monitoring process less effective than expected. Every single student has to deliver many printed out documents, which prove completing the required internship. Then, these documents must be signed off by the supervisor, and, finally, must be delivered to the Dean’s Office. Unfortunately, at the end, all the data from printed out documents has to be copied manually into computers. Lack of effective monitoring of internships negatively affects their quality. In case of any exceptional / problematic situations, students are often left alone, which negatively affects their involvement. Both student and mentor – a person responsible for internship from company side – have no possibility to quickly inform internships academic supervisor about any abnormalities. What is more, printed out internship certificates and documents make whole monitoring process longer and more difficult to maintain. In addition, an efficient system of current control internships is required according to the regulations provided by the Bureau of the State Accreditation Committee
Solution: eIntern supports flow of information regarding the internships between all interested parties, reduce amount of paperwork and enable performing advanced internships' data analysis. It supports tracking the information about the status of the internships, and enables communication also via SMS. The system archives all the data to offer analysis of completed internships over the years.


Rational Support Manager (RSM)
Context: A support engineer is an engineer who improves a tool sold to customers, e.g., develops new features, improves the existing functionality, fixes bugs.
Problem: The is no system to manage the entire work (process) of a support engineer.
Solution: RMS combines the existing software supporting project life cycle management used by the client with new functionality supporting the work of a support engineer. It allows to customize the process and display the most necessary information for various project stakeholders.