Software Development Studio

Learn software engineering practices while taking part in a software project!

Projects developed in 2022/2023

ChatBot for EOSC

Chatbot is support user of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in selecting the rources such as data sets, computing services.
The project is conducted with Poznan Supercoputing and Networking Centre.


The project goal is to design and develop a system to automate the process of calculating the cost of orders of products which are assembled from multiple parts.

Comments Service

The aim of Comments Service is to support administrators in management of policies in Security Center portal so that they can add and discuss the rationales for the policies (such as why certain firewall configuration or scan schedules or application of patches is set).
The project is conducted with WithSecure.

Monitor of projects

The platform shall be a target envirmonment for hospital employees allowing them to manage projects conducted within non-medical acitvity.
The project is conducted with Mecidal Center HCP.

Voice notetaker

Voice notetaker shall support hospital employees in taking notes with their phones by recoding audio and translating it into text notes.
The project is conducted with Mecidal Center HCP.


The goal of the project is to extend OnQuadro platform with an advanced search feature that allows to find certain structures of DNA and RNA (quadruplexes, tetrads, G4-helises) by providing their characteristics.
The project is conducted with the authors of OnQuadro Platform.


SpecBoost is to support those who create documentation of IT projects such as requirements specifications, architectural description in creating and maintainance of the documents.
The project is conducted with Wilda Software.