Software Development Studio

Learn software engineering practices while taking part in a software project!

Projects developed in 2015/2016

3D Model Presentation in Internet Browsers [PL]

Silnik prezentacji modeli 3D w przeglądarkach internetowych
Context: To support management of technological processes, e.g., manufacturing one might gather information from different and numerous devices and sensors and then visualize the process on a PC screen.
Problem: Currently there exist software systems that allows for visualization of technological processes as 3D models in standalone applications. However, it is not possible to easily present such information in web browsers.
Solution: The solution of the project should be a library that allows to visualize 3D models in Internet browsers. The library should allow also to manipulate the presented 3D scene and handle different events that an end user might generate.

eFeedback [ENG]

electronic Feedback
Context: Tutors at University need to verify homeworks, projects of their students. As a result they need to check its correctness, completeness etc. and provide final grade. The best it is also to provide the grade with feedback information explaining the quality of the student's solution and beeing rationale for the grade.
Problem: Currently, for each student or for each group of the students Tutor has to create an individual feedback. However, students usually make similar mistakes which call for similar feedback. As a result Tutor either create feedback each time from scratch or copy and paste some information.
Solution: The idea is to create a software system that allows to create a checklist for task and a structured feedback for each solution based on the checklist. It would support Tutors in creating feedback (automate it) and in sending the feedback to students.

FiDeLo [ENG]

Financial Decision Log
Context: Managing finances of a university unit, from the point of view of the unit head (professor), is pretty easy: there is a small number of financial sources (e.g. projects or share in student's fee) one can use to buy something, pay somebody, or reimburse costs of participation in a conference.
Problem: The main problem is to have a clear picture of a financial situation in a given moment (that should take into account not only actual expenses but also any promise made to members of a unit or team) which would help to make other financial commitments. Moreover, some sources are “open” only for a certain period and when the period ends the money should be returned.
Solution: To help professors better manage the money assigned to their units an Internet application would be needed that would help them to make financial plans, to collect financial proposals from their subordinates, to present a clear picture of financial situation in a given moment, and to warn them when there is a danger of returning unused money.


Electronic Reminders
Context: Nowadays people get a lot of emails, but hardly anybody is able to handle all the tasks specified in their emails.
Problem: Frequently email sender has to remind the receivers numerous times about the case or task important for the sender. Usually it happens when the receiver is a very busy person.
Solution: To help people with sending reminders or recurring email a software system should be created. It shall allow to define contents of an email, its reminder notice and frequency and schedule for sending the email.


Tag Requirements Engineering
Context: In a large project there are situations in which requirements significantly change during the implementation of the system resulting in the appearance of multiple versions of the requirements of different details.
Problem:There is a problem of gathering knowledge on the collected requirements which have their implementation in the source code. There is also no easy way to record information about which parts of the code implements which requirement. Given the scale and complexity of existing software systems it is difficult to maintain a complete and coherent knowledge about which requirements and where in the code are implemented. The occurrence of the problem results in a decrease in the broader software quality
Solution: Potential solution is to create a set of signs (called. Tags) e.g. In the form of extensions to the standard JavaDoc (but not necessarily), which would constitute a reference to the specific requirements. Then, to provide a possibility to annotate tests (for the specified functionality) and connect the solution with the tools to generate reports on the implemented requirements,